1. Plant World
(Please verify with other sources for accurate information.)
1. Leaf - Stomata
2. Apple Fruit and Others.
3. Leaf - Chlorophyll
4. Tomato Skin
5. Pollens of Flowers - Hibiscus and Others
6. Onion cells Near the Skin Area
7. Onion Skin (Outer most layer)
8. Plant Stem and Leaf
9. Cell Nucleus - Onion
10. Turmeric Powder
11. Flower cells - Pomegranate And Hibiscus
12. Leaf Hairs
13. Leaf
14. Onion Cells
15. Plant Root cells
16. Cork - Cork Oak tree's bark
18. Molds
19. Flower Cells - Part - 2- Zinnia and others
20. Beautiful shapes of Plant Gum.
21. Orange Skin
22. Aquatic Plant - Leaf and Stem
23. Algae
To see how big is the 100 Times
Magnification click here
2. Insect World
1. Dragon Fly Wings
2. Ant Parts - Antenna, Hair
3. White Ant - Wing
4. Ant Parts - 3 - Legs
5. Dragonfly Wing
6. Butterfly Wing
7. The Dragonfly Wing - Part-3 - Strange
8. Dragonfly
9. Insect Parts - Beetle like insect - Head,
leg, eyes etc
3. Animals and Birds
1. Fish Cells - Animal Cells
2. Bird's Feather
3. River Shell
4. Hen's Muscle and Bone
4. Humans
1. The Human Hair - White
2. Human Blood Cells
3. Video- Flowing Blood Cells
4. Human Skin surface
5. Non-living Things
1. Face Powder - White
2. Stitching Needle and Ballpoint Pen
3. Milk and the Curd (Fermented Milk)
4. Soap Bubbles
5. Micro view of Stones
6. Wrist Watch (Digital) Parts
7. Wrist Watch Parts (Quartz) - Part-2
8. Paper - Plain and printed.
9. Sound Tracks - Cinema Film and
phonograph record
10.Metal Surfaces - Iron,gold, copper,
brass, aluminium.
11. Stone
6. Cloths and Fibers

1. Cotton Fibers
2. Artificial Fibers ( polyester )
3. Cloths Under the Microscope
4. Natural Fibers - Jute Fibers
1. Micro Life Forms In The Water - Micro organisms.
2. Drain Water Under the Microscope - Algae
3. The Micro Life Forms In Action - Drain Water Life - Video
4. Microorganisms in water.
8. Crystal World
1. Crystal Landscape - Salt Crystals
2. Crystal Art - Potassium Permanganate Crystals
3. The Beautiful Sugar Crystals - Part-2
4. The Beautiful Sugar Crystals - Part-1
5. The Sour Crystals - Citric Acid Crystals
9. Videos (5)
1. The Micro Life Forms In Action - Drain Water Life - Video
2. Video- Flowing Blood Cells
3. Curd (Fermented Milk)
10. Art
1. Micro Art
1. Suggestions
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