
Crystal Landscape - Salt Crystals

Salt CrystalsMagnified to 450 Times
Salt Crystals (Sodium Chloride - NaCl)
Magnified to 450 Times.

salt crystals. Magnification - 100 Times
Some salt crystals look like pyramids!
Magnification - 100 Times.

salt crystals
Magnification - 100 times.

Salt crystals Magnified to 100 Times
Salt Crystals. Magnification - 100 times.

Salt crystals. Magnification - 100 times.
(The space around the salt crystals removed
to enhance the viewing)
Powdered Salt
Powdered Salt.
Magnification - 50 times.

About Salt (Sodium Chloride)

           Molecular formula of sodium is NaCl.(Sodium and
chlorine). It's melting point is  801 °C (1474 °F). It have a
Cubic Crystal structure. Salt is  produced by evaporation
of seawater and  Mining of rock salt.
          The top  producers are  China , United States , Germany,
India and Canada. Salt is used in oil and gas exploration, in
textiles and dyeing industry, in processing metals like aluminium,
copper, in water softening etc. Salt is used  for the production of
many chemicals.

Snowflakes - Electron microscope images.

Visual Appeal
Converted microscope images

How big is the 100 times magnification ?
About Salt - Link- NASA
About Salt -Link- Schools-Wikipedia

Dragonfly Wing

dragon fly wing Magnification  of 100 Times
Dragonfly Wing. Magnification of - 50 Times.

dragon fly wing
Dragonfly Wing. Magnification of - 100 Times.

dragon fly wing
Dragonfly Wing. Magnification of - 100 Times.

Visual Appeal
Converted microscope images

Interesting Facts❗  πŸ˜Š

 ➽   Dragonflies, which eat insects as adults, are a great control on the mosquito population.
fossil dragonflies have been found with wingspans of up to two feet.
 ➽   Dragonflies were some of the first winged insects to evolve, some 300 million years ago.

πŸ”΅ Dragonfly Wing- Strange Structures! πŸ˜ƒ 

Crystal Art - Potassium Permanganate Crystals

Potassium Permanganate Crystals Manification - 100 Times
Nature's Abstract Art- Potassium Permanganate Crystals Magnification - 100 Times

Potassium Permanganate Crystals Manification - 100 Times
Looks Like Japanese(?) Letters!Potassium Permanganate Crystals. Magnification - 100 Times.

Potassium Permanganate Crystals Manification - 100 Times
Potassium Permanganate Crystals. Magnification - 100 Times.

Potassium Permanganate Crystals Manification - 100 Times
Potassium Permanganate Crystals. Magnification - 100 Times

 Potassium Permanganate Crystals  Magnification - 100 Times

Visual Appeal - Tiled Image 
This image is produced by tiling of a single image
This image is produced by tiling of a single image.


Potassium Permanganate  - KMnO4

Snowflakes - Electron microscope images.

Link - External
Potassium Permangante - Wikipedia
 Potassium Permangante - simple wikipedia


Videos - Flowing Blood Cells.

A small video of flowing blood cells.
Magnification - 450 Times

To See Blood Cells Click Here

Cloths Under the Microscope

These photos shows the different types of cloths
under the Microscope.

Silk Cloth.Magnification - 100 Times

Silk Cloth
Magnification - 100 Times

Cotton Cloth. Magnification - 100 Times

Cotton Cloth
Magnification - 100 Times

Polyester Cloth. Magnification - 100 Times

Polyester Cloth
Magnification - 100 Times

Cotton Cloth. Magnification - 100 Times

Cotton Cloth
Magnification - 100 Times

Visual Appeal - Tiled Image 

This image is produced by tiling of two images.

Drain Water Under the Microscope - Algae and others

Drain Water Seen Through the Microscope.

Micro organisms are very small in size and requires
microscopes to see them. There are many types and includes
bacteria, plankton, microscopic plants called algae, fungi
etc. The micro organisms living in the soil converts
nutrients into forms that plants can use.

(Interpretations of the
following photos may not be accurate)

Green Algae
These are Green Algae.
Magnification - 750 Times.

This may be Algae. Magnification - 750 times.

Microorganisms. Magnification- 450 times.

Magnification - 750 Times.

Magnification - 450 times.


 1 .To see more micro organisms in the water click here.

2. To see a video about micro organisms click here.

3. How big is the 100 times magnification ?


External links
1.Microorganisms - Link -

(please verify with other sources for accurate information)


Tomato Skin Cells

 Note the difference between tomato skin cells and the
tomato cells. The skin is tough and protective and the
inside of the tomato is soft. The skin structure is such
that, it prevents water evaporation and gives protection
from insects.

Tomato Skin. Magnified to 100 Times.
Tomato Skin. Magnified to 100 Times.

Tomato Skin Cells. Magnified to 450 Times.
Tomato Skin Cells. Magnified to 450 Times.

Tomato Fruit Cells. Magnification - 100 times.

Tomato Cells.Magnification - 100 times.
Tomato Fruit Cells. Another part of the tomato.
Magnification - 100 times.

Tomato Skin


Cherry Tomatoes

πŸ”΅Interesting Facts❗ 😊

 There are more than 7500 tomato varieties grown around the world.
 The heaviest tomato on record weighed in at 3.51 kg .
 The largest tomato plant grown was of the cultivar "Sun gold" and reached 19.8 m (65 ft) in length.
 Smallest tomatoes have 0.4 to 0.8 inches, large tomatoes have 4 inches.
 Largest  producers of tomatoes are  China , India and United States.
 Tomatoes comes in different colors like pink, orange, yellow white and purple.

πŸ”· Compare this with Capsicum skin cells.

πŸ”΅ How big is the 100 times magnification ?

 πŸ”·External links:
   Tomatoes - Wikipedia

(Note:  Please verify with other sources for accurate information.)

Pollens and other parts of flowers - Hibiscus and Others

Pollens of Hibiscus Flower
Pollens of Hibiscus(White) Flower.

Pollens of Hibiscus Flower
Pollens of Hibiscus Flower. Pollens have a hard outer
wall. Magnified to 100 times.

Anther. Hibiscus Flower(Red). Magnified to 100 times.

Stigma. Hibiscus Flower(Red). Magnified to 100 times.

Style. Hibiscus Flower(Red). Magnified to 100 times.

Anthers with Pollens.

Pollens of another plant's flower
Magnified to 100 times.

Anther. Pollen producing flower part.

Pollen of different plants . Electron microscopes image.

                 Anther. Electron microscopes image.

 Hibiscus flower parts.

    Pollen grains are in a wide variety of shapes (most often spherical) sizes.
    The smallest pollen grain, that of the forget-me-not (Myosotis spp.), is around 6 Β΅m (0.006 mm) in diameter. Wind-borne pollen grains can be as large as about 90–100 Β΅m. - Wikipedia.


Visual Appeal
Converted microscope images

Interesting Facts ❗  πŸ˜ƒ

 The world's smallest flowering plant is the watermeal, or Wolffia globosa. They have the size of a grain of rice. The flower with the world's largest bloom is the Rafflesia arnoldii. This rare flower is found in the rain forests of Indonesia. It can grow to be 3 feet across and weigh up to 15 pounds. It has a very strong and horrible  odour of decaying flesh, earning it the nickname  corpse flower .

➽    The world's largest bloom is the Rafflesia arnoldii. It can grow to be 3 feet across and weigh up to 15 pounds.

 External links:
πŸ”΅   1. Flower Parts - Link - Schools-Wikimedia
πŸ”΅   2. Pollen -  Wikipedia
πŸ”΅   3. Pollen - simple  Wikipedia

(Note: Please verify with other sources for accurate information.)

Onion cells Near the Skin Area

onion cells
Longitudinal Section of the onion cells. It is
colorless where the section is thin.
Magnification - 100 Times

onion cells

onion cells

In this photo two layers of onion cells are visible. The cells
in the top layer are round and the cells in the
bottom layer are rectangle in shape. (View enlarged)

Visual Appeal
Converted microscope images

Related Posts
1. For More Onion Cells Click Here - 1
2. For More Onion Cells Click Here - 2
3. To See Onion Skin Cells Click Here - 3
4 .How big is the 100 times magnification ?GOTO CONTENTS PAGE

(Note:  Please verify with other sources for accurate information.)