
Cell Nucleus - Onion

  Coloring Materials were added to see the Onion
nucleus. The dark blue areas are the nucleus.
Bacteria and some lower plants don't have nucleus.
Nucleus controls cellular activities.It contains most
of the cell's genetic materials.
In general, the average size of nucleus is 3 to 10 µm .
(1 micron=1/1000 millimeter)

Onion Cell Nucleus.

Onion Cell Nucleus
Onion Cell Nucleus.

Onion Cell Nucleus

Onion cell nucleus. (With added dye). Magnification - 450 Times.
Onion cell nucleus. (With added dye).
Magnification - 450 Times.

Onion cell nucleus.Onion cell nucleus. (With added dye). Magnification - 450 Times.
Onion cell nucleus. (With added dye).
Magnification - 450 Times.

Onion cells near the skin area. Two layers are visible. Magnification - 100 Times.
Onion cells near the skin area. Two layers are visible.
Magnification - 100 Times.

Onion cells, without coloring materials.
Magnification - 450 times.

Onion Cell Nucleus
Cell Nucleus - Diagram.

Visual Appeal
Converted microscope images.


🔵Interesting Facts 
   Cultivation of onion started 7000 years ago.

   Some of the nutrition in Onion:
   Vitamin C 7.4mg
   Total Carbohydrate 9.3g
   Folate 19.0mcg
   Calcium 23.0mg
   Manganese 0.1mg
   Potassium 146mg

(Note:  Please verify with other sources for accurate information.)

🔷 Related Posts
1. More Onion Cells
2. More Onion Cells

🔷 To see how big is the 100 times magnification click here

🔵 Links - External
1. Plant cell - Wikipedia.
2. Plant cell - Simple Wikipedia.
3. Nucleus -

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