
Crystal Landscape - The Sour Crystals - Citric Acid Crystals

Citric Acid crystals.
Citric Acid crystals. Magnification 100 Times.

Citric acid have a sour taste and it is an organic, natural
acid. Citric acid presents in citrus fruits like lemons and
limes.Citric acid is used as a preservative in foods.

Citric Acid crystals.
Citric acid Crystals. Magnification - 100 times.

Citric Acid crystals.
Citric acid Crystals. Magnification - 100 times.

Citric Acid crystals.
Citric acid Crystals. Magnification - 100 times.

Citric Acid crystals.
Citric acid Crystals. Magnification - 450 times.

Citric Acid crystals.
Citric acid Crystals. Magnification - 100 times.
Blue coloring materials added.

Citric Acid crystals.
Citric acid Crystals. Magnification - 100 times.

About Citric acid
     Citric acid is a white crystalline powder and it's  molecular
formula is C6H8O7 . It's Melting point is 156 °C (313 °F ).
     Citric acid is produced in the industry using the mold
Aspergillus niger.         
      Citric acid is used as a flavoring and preservative agent in
food and beverages. Citric acid is used with sodium bicarbonate
as an  effervescent formula. It is used to remove limescale from
boilers and evaporators. It can be used to soften water, which
makes it useful in soaps and laundry detergents. In industry, it
is used to dissolve rust from steel. Citric acid prevents  the
sugar from crystallizing.


  1. These are like abstract paintings. I really like them. I like the colors too.

  2. This is wonderful...I love these and also your paintings

  3. Fascinating photos! Is the citric acid crystal considered dendritic? The second pic especially looks like a branch from a tree.

  4. These are beautiful. They do look like landscapes with mountains and rivers.


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