
Insect Parts - Small insect - Head,leg, eyes etc.

Insect (Small insect) head with eyes. It looks like an
alien head, because it has a long head! Bottom side view.
Magnification 100 times.

The long tube like part under the head.
Magnification - 100 times.

Insect eyes. Insects have compound (consists of
many individual eye units) eyes.
Magnification - 100 times.

Insect's hairy leg. The 'hook'(tarsal claw) helps to walk on
inclined andvertical surfaces. Magnification - 100 times.

Back end of the insect. Top view. Magnification - 100 times.

Direct View of the Insect. The right side antenna is

 Snout beetle. Electron microscope image.

Links (External)
1. Names of the Insect(ant) parts -
2.About Insects -Link -
3.About Beetles -Link
4.Ant Parts- Magnified


  1. It always amazes me how the eyes are actually multiple spots or openings. It is a mysterious world that only a few of us get to see because of your blog. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Delightful views. The bug's head and eyes look like metal in the first one.


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