
Human Blood Cells - Red blood cells

There are approximately 100 Trillion Cells in our body.
(source- Wikipedia. Search the internet and you may
get different answers!)

Red blood cells are the largest constituent of blood.
The blood contains red cells(oxygen carrying), white
cells(defense) and platelets(for blood clotting) in
plasma liquid. The average size of red blood cells is
9 µm.
( Please verify with other sources for accurate information.)

Blood cells Magnified to 450 Times.

Red Blood Cells Magnified to 750 Times
Red Blood Cells Magnified to 750 Times.
Many Cells Stick to other cells.

Blood Cells. Magnification - 450 times.

Dry Blood. Magnification 100 Times.
Dry Blood. Magnification 100 Times.

Dry Blood. Magnification 100 Times.
Dry Blood. Magnification 100 Times.

A small video of flowing blood cells.
Magnification - 450 Times

Visual Appeal
Converted microscope images


Blood cells. - Wikipedia.

External links

1. Blood - Wikipedia
2. Blood - simple Wikipedia

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